Empowerment programs

Objectives of the CBR program

I: To strengthen awareness creation on causes, prevention early identification, management of disability and appropriate referrals

II: To strengthen mainstreaming and inclusion of children with Disabilities in schools

III: To empower the families of children with Disabilities, socially and economically

IV: To conduct evidence based research and documentation on the best practices in the community based rehabilitation programs.

APDK has been implementing the CBR program for the last 18 years with the main purpose of providing quality rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities. Since 2000, the CBR program has contributed to Quality Inclusive Health, social and economic wellbeing of children with disabilities and their families through comprehensive Community Based rehabilitation programmes. This has been with a bias to children with (physical, Visual, hearing, mental, epilepsy) disabilities in order to alleviate poverty, and integrate them in the community through the comprehensive rehabilitation program in the slums of Mukuru. The initial project objectives were centred on creating awareness on disability, Rehabilitation of CWDs, Provision of assistive and mobility devices, Formation of social groups, Education inclusion and mainstreaming, referrals to other service providers and livelihood empowerment as the last phase of rehabilitation. Networking and collaboration is also enhanced

The project has also modified its implementation model from running a standalone program to an integrated approach of focusing on the Rights of persons with disabilities as enshrined in the Kenya Constitution 2010

In adapting to the changing dynamics and trends APDK adopted the WHO- CBR Guidelines formulated in 2010 in Abuja, Nigeria as a strategy in implementing its CBR activities nationally. This involves addressing issues affecting children with disabilities as a Right while focusing on the 5 CBR matrix pillars which includes:

  1. Health
  2. Education
  3. Livelihood
  4. Social
  5. Empowerment

In 2011 the programme incorporated maternal child health programme aimed at early identification and appropriate referral through health talks, sensitization to CHWs and CHEWs, observation of calendar days that is malezi bora, immunization and breastfeeding week.

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