International Wheelchair Day

Every year Kenya provides approximately 5,000 wheelchairs through direct purchase from the shops including that at APDK, while others acquire the same through services provided by health facilities and non-Governmental organizations like APDK.

One of APDK mandates is to enable persons with disabilities attain maximum independence through provision of appropriate wheelchairs that meet the users’ health condition and environmental needs. Every year, APDK joins the International community to commemorate the International Wheelchair Day marked onto offer a special opportunity for world citizens to reflect on prevailing physical disability concerns. It is estimated that over 200,000 people in Kenya require a wheelchair. Every year Kenya provides approximately 5,000 wheelchairs through direct purchase from the shops including that at APDK, while others acquire the same through services provided by health facilities and non-Governmental organizations like APDK.

To many people with disability, a wheelchair is a precondition for exercising human rights and equal participation in society

The aim of this day is to highlight various issues amongst them being

  • To create awareness on accessibility for wheelchair users.
  • To celebrate the great work of the many millions of people who support provision wheelchairs, who provide support and care for wheelchair users and who make the World a better and more accessible place for people with mobility issues.
  • To acknowledge and react constructively to the fact there are many tens of millions of people in the World who need a wheelchair, but are unable to acquire one
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