Nothing about us, without us Project
The inclusive election/Development project funded was by 100% for the children and implemented in two Counties of Nairobi and Mombasa APDK implemented Inclusive Elections that sought to strengthen the meaningful inclusion and participation of PWDs in the electoral process in Kenya including the August 2022 General Elections. The focused on providing persons with disability with equal access to electoral and political processes in a meaningful and peaceful way to have increased representation in political and economic decision-making processes.
This was to enable all persons with disabilities to fully enjoy their rights and to have issues of importance to them to be included and stakeholders to be held accountable.
The project created awareness and sensitized a total of 5,000 persons with disabilities from Nairobi and Mombasa County, that enhanced active participation of persons with disabilities during the election period. The project mentored 25 youths with disabilities selected through community structure (DPOs and CBOs) on self – advocacy initiatives through the slogan “Nothing about us, without us”. The youths who were also the project Ambassadors spearheaded several advocacy activities that targeted Governments offices and other public services entities in awareness on disability rights, electoral process, peacebuilding/conflict management and governance.
The Impact
The project saw increased persons with disabilities participating in political elective and Nominative also enhanced the participation for persons with disabilities to participate in voting and election of political leaders this was done by ensuring some of the polling station in the project areas where accessible to persons with disabilities through disability accessibility adaptation and refurbishment. A total of 4 persons with disabilities secured position in the project areas in Mombasa and Nairobi. Currently the project is at its post elective activities. These focus on accountability on inclusive access of elections processes through legal and regulatory frameworks that provide an opportunity for increased political participation of persons with disabilities and development of a monitoring plan to ensure accountability of elected officials performance on access to education and health care for persons with disabilities in Nairobi and Mombasa County are achieved.
The project developed a learning